Sunday, October 2, 2011

Semaine dédiée à des Andes péruviennes /Week dedicated to the Peruvian Andes /שבוע המוקדש האנדים בפרו

Alpamayo, often called  THE MOST BEAUTIFUL MOUNTAN IN THE WORLD,inthe cordillera blanca,in Peruvian Andes, It's height is 5497 m.(19511ft.) Above sea level,Alpamayo is a step perfectly shape pyramid of ice,one of many fine peaks that comprise the Santa Cruz massif, the northernmost massif of the Cordillera Blanca.
Alpamayo is smaller than many of its neighboring peaks, but overcomes this shortcoming by its breathtaking form, It actually has two sharp summits,North and South,separated by narrow corniced ridge.

latitude       8/56/S
longitude    77/42/E
first Ascent : 1957,by G hauser,F .knauss,B.Huhn and H .Wiedmann,  german expedition

Best Climbing Months:      May ,June ,July ,August ,September.

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