Saturday, March 31, 2012


IKA Olympic Kiteboard Racing Campaign - Episode 2

Kiteboarding makes Olympic pitch for Rio 2016 Games

(Left) ISAF chief Goran Petersson gets up close and personal with kitebaording in Spain / IKA KTA
(Left) ISAF chief Goran Petersson gets up close and personal with kitebaording in Spain / IKA KTA
LAURA WALDEN / Sports Features Communications
TAMPA: Kiteboarding is ramping up its Olympic campaign after the International Sailing Federation (ISAF) held their 2012 Olympic equipment and format trials last week with the president Goran Petersson out on the water to view firsthand.
The International Kiteboarding Association (IKA) sent 18 sailors of the 70 in attendance at the event to support the sport for the Olympic nod.
The ISAF will make a decision to add two events to the roster for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games and the toss up is between up and coming kiteboarding or windsurfing. Windsurfing has a history of being on the Olympic program as of 1984 but kiteboarding is widely seen as the new kid on the block with its emerging youth following worldwide.
Markus Schwendtner, IKA Executive Secretary, said, “We are more than happy with the outcome of this trial event. ISAF got all the information they needed and the evaluation panel (consisting of experts from various specialist ISAF committees) will publish a very positive report to the ISAF council.
“It is then up to the representatives of the national sailing associations to take a decision for or against kiteboarding. All feedback we received was overwhelming, and it would be a pity if ISAF would miss our spectacular discipline for another 4 years and sticks with what they have.”
The ISAF should make a decision at their mid-year meeting in Stresa, Italy, at beginning of May where delegates from the more than hundred ISAF member nations will be gathering.
Kiteboarding will be introducing some new competition formats in the near future: a fleet racing format that not only tests tactical skills but also incorporates a high speed slalom part to test equipment handling skills, and a new medal race series format which is fully run in an elimination system: this is where heroes are made, and for the first time all the drama of other sports is incorporated into a sailing competition format.

Monday, March 26, 2012


Puerto Chicama, playa reconocida por tener la ola izquierda más larga del mundo, se prepara para recibir a los mejores tablistas del Perú y el extranjerodurante Semana Santa con motivo de cumplirse 25 años de ese tradicional campeonato de surf.
La Municipalidad Distrital de Rázuri y la escuela de tabla Olas Norte coorganizan este evento con la finalidad de desarrollar el surf en esa localidad para el 6 y 7 Abril próximo.
En este torneo se ha previsto la presencia de reconocidos tablistas como Miguel Tudela, Matías Mulanovich, Javier Swayne, “Chendo” Velasco, los hermanos Sebastián y Alonso Correa, Junihno Urcia, Kané Ramos, los hermanos Rony y Joel Ucañán, Javier Larco, entre otros. Así como tablistas extranjeros.
Otro de los principales atractivos, en Puerto Chicama es su gastronomía basada en la cocina casera y los platos típicos como “el reventado de cangrejo”, “el sudado de pescado de leña”



Thursday, March 22, 2012

Surfing ancient-style surfboards in Peru w/Red Bull team

Modern scientific archaeology indicates, as many Peruvians have long claimed, that surfing may have been invented on their north Pacific coast by pre-Columbian cultures using reed boats to surf the waves. These boats are similar in shape to surfboards but are made from the reeds of a plant. Pottery from as early as 1000b.c. unearthed in Peru shows people wave riding. For those who think surfing was invented in Hawaii keep in mind no one lived on the Hawaiian Islands until 300-750AD or at least 1500 years and possibly 2000 years after surfing has been confirmed in Peru. To be certain, Peru has the oldest archaeological and cultural evidence in existance. Additionally, it is clear that the lineage in Peru originates in the Pre-Incan past 3000 years ago. It continues to the present in both the ancient and modern forms. As proven by archeologists this tradition can be traced back to 1000bc. Surfing is depicted on ceremonial vessels of the Viru Culture, an antiquity of 3000 years, where you can clearly see a man standing aboard a little reed craft, surfing.
It is known that Polynesians surfed. This was witnessed to be very similar to its modern form by European sources, such a Captain Cook, during his explorations less than 300 years ago. Because it was so deeply rooted in their culture, it is safe to assume that it had been taking place before then, however, we cannot be sure as there is absolutely no physical evidence in Polynesia like that found in Peru.
This means that the earliest surfing in the world, with actual physical evidence, took place in Peru. There is no anthropological or archaeological evidence for a Polynesian origin of surfing before the mid 1700s.
The man known as "The Pioneer of Modern Surfing" is Duke Kahanamoku, often called "The Father of Modern Surfing" he was a Gold medal winning Olympic swimmer and brought surfing into the public consciousness in the form it is currently known. Without his influence surfing wouldn't have become the well known sport it is today.